In this session I had to draw just the shadows, not out lines, no tone and no highlights. Just spot the shadows and draw them as they appeared. I think they turned out well, almost similar to wood cuts/lino cuts.
For this drawing I was told to draw out of my comfort zone so do something what I wouldn't normally do. Normally i would concentrate on the face as i like to draw portraits so this time i took a position where i couldn't see his face and tried to concentrate on the proportions of the body and the lines and muscles that show. This drawing accidentally turned out similar to other drawings when i was trying to do the opposite but it shows my style of drawing clearly. Dark and bold.
For this drawing I was to use white chalk and black paper to just draw the light parts as the appeared, the same kind of thing as the shadow drawing. To show the opposites and make you take notice of all the different tones that are there when life drawing. I didn't find this drawing to be successful in itself but it taught me a valuable lesson and now when i draw or paint i pay alot more attention to shadows and highlights.
This was the last drawing of the session were i was given grey paper and black and white chalk. The grey paper was to act as a mid tone and i had to use the chalks to capture the shadows and highlights, so the same principles for the previous drawings. This proved to be alot more complicated to do than the previous do but a valuable task all the same.